Leaving a gift in your will

By including a gift in your Will, you can continue your support of Climate 200 beyond your lifetime, enabling us to find the shortest and surest path for greater action on climate, integrity and gender equality well into the future.

People who are passionate about seeing real action on climate change can continue their support of Climate200 far into the future with a bequest. 

Your gift will enable Climate 200 to continue to support political candidates committed to a science-based response to the climate crisis, restoring integrity to politics and advancing gender equity.

Suggested Will clause:

To leave a gift in your Will, please share the suggested clause below with your solicitor when drafting or next updating your Will: 

‘I give [percentage of my residuary estate / dollar amount] to Climate 200 of Level 6, 9 Barrack Street, Sydney NSW 2000 ABN 98 632 816 383 (‘Climate 200’). It is my preference that the bequest support [insert purpose, e.g. high-priority activities, or advocacy, political candidates, community outreach,].’

Contact us

For a confidential discussion about leaving a gift in your Will, please contact our Head of Community, Susie Bayes, via phone or email.

"We are very excited to support Climate 200 and strongly agree with their goals for action on climate, integrity, and diversity. After meeting the team, we know that they will make sure that every dollar donated is well-targeted and will make a real difference in getting more independent voices into Parliament."

Matt and Amy Doran

"We need our political representation to respond to the concerns of its citizens. This is the purpose of Climate 200.We are proud to support Climate 200 in its mission to support local communities and their independent candidates fighting for action on climate change, equality and integrity.We know we are better together and hope you join us in this push for a safe climate and fairer future for all."

The Milgrom Family