Double your impact today

In the days since Donald Trump’s election it has become clear - Peter Dutton and the Coalition are determined to import Trump style politics to Australia. 

Australians living in the US have seen first hand how devastating this will be - for women and for our climate. Many of them, like mum of two Jenna, are now returning home determined not to let Australia suffer a similar fate. 

That’s why Jenna, alongside her family and friends, are matching the next $60k of donations to community backed independents - our best defence against Trump-style extremism in Australia. 

“I’ve seen up close how Trump’s rhetoric emboldened the most extreme parts of American society. Women's rights were eroded. Our friends, particularly those in the immigrant community, feared deportation and racial discrimination. Climate action was sabotaged at every turn. 
This isn’t the future I want for Australia, or for my children. But I worry that if we don’t act now, it could well be.”

Every community independent who sits on the crossbench is a crucial line of defence against Dutton’s Trump-inspired agenda. Right now, there are more than a dozen community independents willing to fight for greater action on climate, integrity and reproductive rights. But they urgently need more resources to scale up their campaigns. 

Today, for every dollar you donate two dollars will go to independent candidates with a real shot at winning at the next election, 

Together, we can show Dutton that Trump-style politics won’t win here.


Since 2019, we’ve helped 14 climate-focussed independents get elected to parliament.

We need your help to grow this movement for change.
Donate now
Our best chance to make significant change

We are very excited to support Climate 200 and strongly agree with their goals for action on climate, integrity, and diversity. After meeting the team at Climate 200, we know that they will make sure that every dollar donated is well-targeted and will make a real difference in getting more independent voices into Parliament.

Testimonial photo of Matt and Amy Doran
Matt and Amy Doran
The world is at a critical moment

We are proud to support Climate 200 in its mission to support local communities and their independent candidates fighting for action on climate change, equality and integrity. We need our political representation to respond to the concerns of its citizens. We know we are better together and hope you join us in this push for a safe climate and fairer future for all.

Testimonial photo of Naomi, Adam, Bec and Jake Milgrom
A commendable goal

We’re frustrated and embarrassed with the lack of meaningful action at the federal level in Australia to address the Climate Emergency. We strongly feel there is a need for more people in the federal government that have the integrity and the independence to act in the interests of future generations. Please join us in supporting the work being done by Climate 200 at this pivotal point.

Testimonial photo of Anthony, Jenna and Stuart
Anthony, Jenna and Stuart
"I’m a grandmother who wants her grandchildren to see the wonderful things this earth has to offer - just like I did."
"We need more independent voices who aren’t tied to big business interests"
"It just makes economic sense to embrace climate action"
“Amid all the gloomy news, you need hope. And a good, climate and integrity-focussed candidate gives me hope for a better future.”
Donate for political action on climate & integrity